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Showing posts from December, 2009


The City of Santa Clarita is proud to announce the Recovery Zone Facility Bond (RZFB) program. RZFBs are tax-exempt private activity bonds authorized by the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) to stimulate the local economy. The program allocated $13,270,000 to the City of Santa Clarita for the purpose of investing in private projects that would benefit the community. “The RZFB presents a great opportunity for local businesses looking to upgrade their infrastructure or expand their existing operations,” commented Mayor Laurene Weste. “This is also another great tool for the City to help attract new businesses to Santa Clarita and create more jobs for our local residents.” The RZFB program provides a wide range of businesses access to tax-exempt bonds typically reserved for governments and a very narrow range of private businesses. RZFBs can be used in place of conventional financing and provide a lower interest rate. For the rest o

House approves sweeping financial reforms

Today Dec 11, 2009 the House of Representatives approved the biggest changes in financial regulation since the Great Depression on Friday, marking a win for the Obama administration and top Democrats in Congress. The sweeping bill, which will have to be reconciled with any measure the slower-moving Senate might eventually approve, aims to safeguard the financial system and ward off future crises of the type that punished the nation in the past year with its deepest recession since the 1930s. The House voted 223-202 to pass the 1,279-page bill, which was hammered out in the months since last year's crisis convinced Democrats of an urgent need for reform. All of the chamber's Republicans and 27 Democrats voted against bill. "This legislation brings us another important step closer to necessary, comprehensive financial reform that will create clear rules of the road, consistent and systematic enforcement of those rules, and a stronger, more stable financial system," Pr