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Showing posts with the label hope for homeowners

Real Estate Foreclosure Time line

Foreclosure Timeline Seller's, Borrower's and even novice Realtor's are often confused by the entire foreclosure process; Foreclosure has never been simple but with the current backlog of bank owned properties and other pressures, it's become worse than ever. Here is an easy to read foreclosure process time line. It will help one understand the different methods used to handle and a purchase short sale, pre-foreclosures and foreclosed properties. If you have personal situation we can answer it, or get an answer to your question about your options for staying in your home, selling and moving on your schedule while helping you step by step through the process. 1. First month missed payment. This counts as day one for the bank but notice, the homeowner had 30 days just like normal to come up with a payment. They will always remain 30 days ahead of the bank schedule. 2. Second missed mortgage 30 for the bank. 3. Third missed mortgage 60

Advance Fees and Loan Modification Services

If you are behind in your mortgage payments, you may be contacted by individuals or companies that will offer to help you work out a loan modification with your lender or provide other services to you in order to help you prevent a foreclosure on your home. You must be very careful if you are asked to pay for any of these services in advance, whether in cash, check or by charging your credit card. First, California Civil Code Section 2945, which regulates "foreclosure consultants", forbids anyone who falls under the definition of a “foreclosure consultant”, as well as a real estate licensee, from collecting any advance fees for these types of services if a Notice of Default has been recorded against your property. If your lender has recorded a notice of default, do not pay an advance fee to anyone. There are non-profit agencies that can assist you without charging you a fee and real estate brokers who can represent you for a fee to be paid after they have completed their work