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Showing posts with the label Mold

The War on Household Mold - Protecting Your Family

This weeks forecast is for wet weather which can lead to something we all should know more about. Ever seen or suspected MOLD in your home? With the rainy season here, mold tends to be more present. Being aware of how to handle mold can have a significant impact on air quality in your home. I found some valuable information from the EPA that offers up recommendations on this live organism. We have all seen the headlines... but most insurance policies don't cover mold. "Mold causes tenant to take landlord to court" (Kenwood, MI) "Star Jones fights uphill mold battle" (New York, NY) "Mold destroys nation's history" (Monticello, PA) Millions of Americans suffer from allergic reactions to molds yet most don't even realize that fungi could be the cause of their sneezing and sniffling. As a resource you can get the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's handy pamphlet called, "A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture and Your Home". This pub